Why I Sell Tiny Houses

Why I Sell Tiny Houses

My First Tiny House

A few years back, I started a massive project building my first tiny house in my back woods. Over time, a buddy and I had rounded up enough spare materials for us to construct a 200sqft two story tiny house. We hauled the materials 100 yards through the woods using a trail that I created and spent the entire summer figuring out what we were doing. Once the tiny house was finished, I fell in love. Spending the night in the woods with my family was like a vacation in my own backyard.

man standing in front of tiny house in the woods on a snowy day

Tiny House Passive Income

Renting the tiny house on AirBnB offset the building costs in under 2 years! Popularity has been growing for my first tiny house, so I decided to build another one. This time around, I teamed up with an amazing business called Bunkie Life who provides the building materials at an amazing cost, and prefabricated them so that building time is only 1 day!!!

Bunkie Life Catalog

4 men working on building a wooden tiny house

Building A Tiny House

My advice to anyone building a tiny house comes from experience. Making a mistake is harder to fix than to work with a professional and get it right the first time. My goal is to give people the magical experience of owning a tiny house without the hassle.

man standing in front of a half finished construction of a wooden tiny house in the woods

Becoming Tiny House Tom

I've always been an advocate for bringing the community together. From music collectives to group photography projects or even a friendly poker game. I post on social media all the time and have since changed my handle to Tiny House Tom. Tiny Houses are a big part of who I am. If you'd like to get to know me more you can follow me on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok. @tinyhousetom


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